The Liminalist # 90: A Master Key for Authority (with Random Dude)


Talking to Random Dude again, on Pizzagate & the alternate perceptions community, posting at Rigorous Intuition, getting acclimatized to the reality of organized abuse, the delegitimization of the media, weaponized autism, Jeff Wells & satanic panic, different voices at RI, as if Jimmy Savile never happened, controlled leakage for blackmail purposes, Epstein & Gawker media, Peter Thiel, culture as covert warfare, Eyes Wide Shut & Kubrick’s war on Scientology, delivering messages to different factions via culture, competing perceptions communities, culture vs. auticulture, inner & outer orientation, the counterculture, matrix & anti-matrix, a culture of abuse, the hipster scene, grounding research in self-examination, compromised knowledge and the bottomless pit of the world, New Age social engineering, two kinds of cover-up, totem & taboo, shaming as social control, liminal culture, into the breech, a nightmarish id, the power of questioning, behind the veil, mainstreaming chaos magick, information culture, Internal affairs within the alternate perceptions community, the bottom of the constructed identity, hidden doors in the unconscious, a shift towards complicity, lucid torture dreams, denial of the primeval, integration myths, a master key for authority, levels of integration, the safe space of the body, grinding the psyche down to dust, a point of identification, dissociated awareness, getting to the ground, what we are as awareness, architects of abuse, MK-ULTRA shortcut to paradise, compromised morality, seeking a new orientation, the thing that’s closest to us.

The relevant thread at Rigorous Intuition discussion board (Jasun posts as guruilla)

Songs:  “The Kommema and his Religion” by SunWalker; “Elizabeth” by The UpsideDown; “I Want Some,” by My Jacket is Yours; “No Home,” by Cullah.

21 thoughts on “The Liminalist # 90: A Master Key for Authority (with Random Dude)”

  1. casting Cruise points to Scientology

    casting Kidman points to pedophilia and murder

    and her name is KID MAN
    all work and no play makes jack adult boy

    I really wish there wasn’t a line about the Donner Party in The Shining..

    good show lads

    Shelley Duvall comes into play again as well.. the Dr Phil thing..

  2. Jasun and Dude, could you please explain your passing comment about my being “compromised and contaminated by the New Age”? What are you referring to, and why did my name even come up in this discussion? What precisely are you referring to? My Leonard Cohen memoir? My Cold War memoir? I have no ‘New Age’ connections other than having lived in a culture that’s heavily influenced by Theosophy, Freemasonry and the rest of it.

    Why bring up Alex Jones? I never listen to him — except recently when he started interviewing factions in the CIA and FBI regarding the child trafficking allegations. I stumbled across some broadcasts on my Facebook feed which suggested he was becoming a major internet player in the run-up to the US election. I messaged Jasun about this and got a barrage of inexplicable abuse in response. So I withdrew my comments. Jones is interesting to me only as a ‘player’ in this circus, but apparently a major one. A few days later Trump actually thanked him for helping him win —

    So for attempting to share this information with Jasun, I’m now “contaminated” and “compromised” —

    What’s happened to “reason” in your world?

    • I did wonder if that might annoy you. Sorry about that, but it didn’t seem invasive enough to edit so i left it in. Why you came up, you will have to ask RD. I responded to him.

      As to why I think your thinking is seriously compromised by bad info and lack of discernment, well, that’s because I see it in so much of what you write, here or on Facebook or elsewhere and in the people and pieces you recommend. I don’t experience this disconnect when talking to you to the same degree, at all. But you must know that some people (and not just close-minded blue pill people) find you lack credibility because of your own (apparent) credulity.

      Also, there was no abuse, inexplicable or otherwise. Contain yourself; you can be a vicious and unaware (vicious because unaware) force with written words, which is why I want less & less to do with you in that medium. Any vitriol will be filtered out, as before.

      • Please provide some real examples of this ‘vitriol , bad info, and lack of discernment?

        RD brought me up – i think as an example of someone who writes from personal experience (eg with MKULTRA) and that seemed to trigger a stream of comments about how I’m “contaminated” — and I just wondered how you would know.

        • Your continuous referring to Abel Danger. Recommending Alex Jones & David Icke to name just a couple of recent ones. I don’t think what you call “Undeniable evidence” about the Podesta-McCann link is anything of the sort, and so far that whole side-road seems more like a deliberate way to discredit this investigation than a worthwhile lead to me (I may be wrong). But this is all conspiracy culture and tho decent info can come through these channels, that doesn’t make them trustworthy as channels. I tend to react badly to these as sources because I do not want to be associated with that world any more than is unavoidable due to the subject matter we have in common. In this field, I only really respect sincere individual researchers who, like yourself, seem to be practicing honesty and self-examination while they work, and these are so rare I doubt I’d need two hands to count them.

          The contamination word shouldn’t be taken personally; we are all contaminated to one degree or another; I was contesting RD’s citing you as an example of someone who was especially grounded as a researcher; compared to Icke or Jones you may be, but I usually compare up, not down.

          • Jasun,
            Is this true of not: anyone can mention a public figure, read their work, pass it on, discuss it informally including on Facebook without CITING it, ENDORSING it, or using it as a SOURCE.

            You seem to assume I don’t know the difference? Or that a pm mentioning Alex Jones implies I am a lifelong devotee and braindead follower of him?

            Why is that? Where is your playfulness? what is this obsession with ‘authority’ in a world which now has a reality TV star running its most powerful country?

            If you feel I’m to blame for bringing original chaos into the world, or polluting your site, I can quickly and easily check out for all time with full apologies and regards to Pandora. It’s easy holding the keys to men’s subconcious.

            I only listened because RD mentioned you’d done another podcast.

          • correction (above): it’s NOT easy holding the keys to men’s subconscious. In fact it’s a lonely, dirty job but someone has to do it.

    • And re: Pizzagate, there is an unfolding investigation being carried out, in part, by independent researchers on the internet. The actual evidence includes official police portraits of the two Podesta brothers and the Wikileaks email trail. As far as I know — from listening to (sorry!) Alex Jones who passed on verbal reports and also documents he had collected from investigators, the FBI takes this case very seriously.

      Therefore it’s premature and irresponsible to dismiss the discussion around it as some fantasy-driven product of ‘alternative culture’ — unless you’re so immersed in that culture you can no longer distinguish between dream and reality.

  3. @Ann:

    Is it possible for you to engage me publicly without creating a scene? If you’d once address your own unconscious or even acknowledge it, we might have a better basis for communication.

    I think you pride yourself on being a scary, irrational female. Almost every time I engage with you I end up feeling like I should be getting paid for it; but I’m not your therapist, & I clearly don’t have a clue how to engage with you via text, since almost every time we do it goes pear-shaped. Attack is your default mode. You apply what I can only call feminine bullying, which relies on willful irrationality and people’s (not just men’s) fear of it. You eschew all accountability and each time we come to blows, there’s no clue that your awareness has deepened about your severe fragmentation. I remain either your savior, your abuser, or a wayward boy to be scolded.

    Despite this, I do like you when I can engage with you by voice or face to face; your online, writing persona, on the other hand, is something I would be content never having to encounter again.

    I am all out of suggestions.

    • Jasun: here’s my suggestion. Delete the part of the podcsst where RD mentions my name and you interrupt and call me “contaminated and compromised” and then delete this entire series of comments. A no brainer?

  4. ” it’s NOT easy holding the keys to men’s subconscious. In fact it’s a lonely, dirty job but someone has to do it.”

    Oh brother/sister, Puhleeeeze!

    ann, why you would claim such a thing, dear, when you clearly don’t even hold, at least not with a steady hand, the keys to your own subconscious. It will continue to be lonely and dirty for you until you steady your hand enough to put the key in the keyhole.

    A Man

    • Because, Page, it’s nothing personal. It’s what women have done for milennia. We literally exist to correct your mistakes and mop up your messages

  5. Trying to clean up mens’ messages sounds like a personal problem to me. LOL.. (typing while triggered leads to mixed-up messages?)

    • It was a joke. Often interpreted as “aggressive” or a sign of insanity or “contamination” in these parts. I thought you were “liminalists” and comfortable in other people’s skin.

      I will now listen to the rest of the podcast paying special attention to the lucid night sweats etc.

  6. At first I thought the Kubrickon/CryptoKubrology was a strictly nefarious puzzle.

    Just as I thought being alive was a strictly nefarious puzzle.

    I think that’s Kubrick’s ultimate joke.

    Kubrick and his friends have created our perception(s) of reality (camera lens joke here) : nukes are real, space is real, heliocentrism is real, the Earth is round (this list goes on) – but Kubrick left the keys out or the door open or whatever. For the chess players, the cryptographers.

    Just like I feel “God” or “Soul” or “Nature” or “Whatever” did for the living.

    “I want that head so sanitary and squared-away that the Virgin Mary herself would be proud to go in and take a dump.” – Sgt. H(e)artman

    • They say you have consorted with the devil ?
      Why do you ask that ?
      It’s not out of curiosity, but because of utterly personal reasons. I would also like to meet him.
      Why ?
      I want to ask him about God. He must know. He, if anyone.


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