The Liminalist # 92.5: The Afterworld & the Undertow (with Mari H)


Part two of return conversation with Mari H, on being part of the collective, let’s talk about Pizzagate, a reality challenge, the need for compassion, being an enlightened doormat, toxic culture, nuances of the beast, playing with symbols, problems with the occult,  magical protection, what is ego, MKULTRA & internal geometry, structured knowledge, everything’s finite, moving towards the infinite, the spirit of spontaneity, response-ability & reactivity, a psychopath’s comfort zone, the end of the search for safety, pacifying the mind, youth wasted on the young, marriage & sexuality, being the love that we are, sexual quarantine, dissolving fantasies, getting real, envying ordinary people, born into suffering, raising children in this world, a post-Pizzagate world, transhumanism, the normalization of pedophilia, Pedophile Information Exchange, transgender & the victimized minority, levels of power, hidden bloodline elites, lifetime actors, think tanks for social engineering, long-term planning, the end goal of disembodiment, what becomes of fragmented souls, the afterworld and the undertow, the implicate order of awareness unfolding, a projected image, how awareness becomes self-awareness, life-intelligence, the AI project, an appearance of self-awareness, soul-body awareness & self-referential non-awareness, two worlds that don’t meet.

Songs:  “The Kommema and his Religion” & “Of the Lakes,” by SunWalker; “Sleepless Sun,” by Origami Conspiracy; “Mississippi Kite,” by Kristin Hersh.

10 thoughts on “The Liminalist # 92.5: The Afterworld & the Undertow (with Mari H)”

  1. A great and dirty and brutal finish. Mari said she feels like the world doesn’t need her, but I’ve enjoyed listening to you both chat this year and have obtained helpful data points. Anyway.

    Be spontaneous. Question. Remove bad code.

    Like in Westworld, how much of that Cornerstone program (name is a total accident, swear to God) can the hosts remove without breaking down ? I’d wager by Season 3, all of it.

    For years I’ve felt like Julian Assange and Rik Clay are the same guy working for the UK version of Stratfor. Unfortunately recent events, for me, add to this feeling. Of course, there could just be some Jungian-thing going on here, like, we’re generating these global “soft-spoken skinny white guys with nice accents and lots of data” characters.

    As far as getting the body physically healthy even though it’s basically dying.. it’s really a great step in the right direction. You have to reprogram a bit. See the beauty in syncing your heartbeat and footsteps to a old Wailers album while smelling the smells of the neighborhood and feeling the breath. Being in the body and all that. I lost 80 pounds in just under 2 years, granted I was still in my mid-twenties at the time, but the weight loss was nothing compared to the overall betterment of CNS/PNS function and a feeling of.. power, no, lightness, no.. hard to explain it..

    Also, I’d like to hear Willner talk about his recent real world travels. It seems like maybe he is off the SYNCHRO-DMT-BS these days.

  2. As soon as you hear people referring to enlightenment as “bliss”
    And throwing around Buddha this and Jesus that, it’s time to Hit the stop button.
    Such statements immediately and undeniable demonstrate no such realization.
    Only the bleatings of those on the circular path that has been worn a mile deep.
    Those who have never possessed sight love to talk about -in detail- the beauty of rainbows.

  3. Please keep doing these podcasts. Love them and find them to be relevant, meaningful, and intellectually stimulating. And Mari, stick around, yeah? You have a lot to offer, and I’m looking forward to hearing more from you.

  4. Dear Jasun and Mari,
    This note may be a repeat because I just lost it on my screen-but the message is that we look forward to your podcasts-they are refreshing, honest and often ‘ enlightening’ ( hate to use that word). Also, Mari, you are not alone in your proclivity to abandon ship- but hang in there, nose to the treadmill and let those endorphins fly. The best is yet to come, especially for those who have been paying attention and know it is not just about the material world- we will be compelled to recapture a sense of the sacred. Wish you both peace and a Happy New Year !


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