The Liminalist # 88.5: The Outrage-Industrial Complex (with Holly Grigg-Spall)


Part two of return conversation with Holly Grigg-Spall, on body wisdom, Nature knows best, withdrawal periods, using technology to get back to Nature, questioning our ability to use technology, abolishing inconveniences to the ego, triggered by periods, feeding delusions & upping the stakes, how technology shaper our values, market drives & transgender, re-marketing hormone pills, corporate agendas & manufactured desires, consent-amnesia, choosing identity, demi-sexuality, labeling as fetishizing, an intimacy fetish, box-building/demanding labels, newspeak & thought recalibration, letting down boundaries when you find the ground, dealing therapeutically with delusions, getting past people’s beliefs, social media categorization & filtering, the online group wave effect, choosing not to choose, the non-partisan label, feeding the algorithm, the feedback loop reinforcing how AI creates itself, the op-ed business, the outrage-industrial complex, opinions are cheap, the opinion industry, the life cycle of memes, institutional self-preservation, strategies for expansion, the money-eggregore, the evolution of advertising & Facebook, product assimilation, product placement in human lives, cynicism & social advancement, just a thing on the internet, the bucket, staying in the sliver, the defense position of cynicism, public shaming & scapegoating, avoiding the downward curve.

Holly’s site.

Songs:  “The Kommema and his Religion” & “Of the Lakes, by SunWalker; “Don’t Die Before Your Day,” by The Arrogants; “Promenade” by My Jacket is Yours;

2 thoughts on “The Liminalist # 88.5: The Outrage-Industrial Complex (with Holly Grigg-Spall)”

  1. Hi Jasun & Holly, Thank you! I’m so glad you posted this in the end after the slow start you mentioned at the beginning of part 1. All the topics in this podcast really resonated with me particularly the social labelling and feedback loop stuff kind of worrying really regarding how many people are actively on FB. Keep up the good work!

  2. Great podcast. Jasun’s comment about the “intimacy fetish” was insightful & hilarious. This era of social-media & dating-websites has helped grow such a shallow “hook-up” culture, where people are basically shopping for flesh online, and see other people as momentary flings & distractions. As soon as romantic relationships get “complicated” (as they tend to do), people seem so ready to just ditch each other in favor of the dopamine-fix they get from flirting with new, exciting strangers who are in such great supply online. It’s as if people are more & more afraid to really know each other or be known themselves—they prefer the unlimited potential of fantasy, and the power of role-play they get from being unknown to others (the mysterious thrill of the new partner you barely know, and the thrill of being that new partner yourself), and thus able to shape-shift into different roles/personas. Perhaps that’s tied to the recent trend of “cos-play” (costume play), where grown adults play dress-up and pretend to be super-heroes and so on. It often seems to me that healthy, normal human warmth, compassion, connection are eroding in favor of flings, hook-ups, “open relationships”, etc.—-this sort of callous, anonymous attitude strikes me as very cold, sad & lonely, and at times it’s left me wondering if I’m just a needy weakling with abandonment issues for preferring more old-fashioned notions of romance over the current, seemingly shallow, impersonal zeitgeist.

    Also great was Jasun’s point about how people used to complain about being labeled & put in a box/bag, but now people are EAGER for the confines of those labels/boxes/definitions!

    I could also strongly relate when Jasun mentioned how uncomfortable it feels when we’re pressured to play along with ideologies that strike us as false/wrong. I’ve found this in myself when it comes to things like having to constantly hear mainstream lies like the official 9/11 story, etc.—-part of me has felt those naive, idealistic feelings of, “We need to spread the truth and wake people up!” but overall, I suspect a lot of my frustration is simply annoyance at being put in a position where I’ll either look like a paranoid lunatic or feel like a conformist phony. The way a false ideology insults one’s intelligence & instincts can feel so claustrophobic & maddening.


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