Big Mother: The Technological Body of Evil

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A bold examination of artificial intelligence, consciousness, technology, and the human urge to return to the womb.

The thesis of Big Mother begins with the premise that our disembodiment as  a species is being engineered, and that, at the same time, we are engineering it through technology. It proposes that the primary driving force of human civilization is the desire to create through technology a replica of the mother’s body―and then disappear into it.

Taking us into the uncanny valley where neurodiversity, linguistics, consciousness, technology, demonology, Rudolf Steiner, Philip K. Dick, Norman Bates, Ted Bundy, transgenderism, liquid modernity, identity politics, the surveillance state, virtual reality, transhumanism, Satanism, medical totalitarianism, and a new world religion of scientism collide, Big Mother explodes the technologically-assembled and technocratically-imposed architecture of illusion in which the modern human being is increasingly lost inside, and points the way back to our original soul natures.