“Thou art the love with which I love thee.”
In the beginning was the word—but the beginning of what, exactly?
In the end was the image, now I’m all out of words. (This statement is false.)
What’s to say after 100 days, now all is said and done?
A soul seeking enlightenment is like a dog chasing its tail—fun until it gets serious; after that, exhaustion is a mercy.
A smile is worth a thousand words. Ask Buddha.
Ask your body what your Soul has to say, and don’t move from that spot until you are the answer.
This has been one of the best blog series I’ve seen in years. Thanks, Jasun.
cheers Jason.
it was a pleasure reading a new one of theese every day.
now what will you have with your evening coffee? 😉
Thank you, Jasun. Your blog series coincided with some work I’ve been doing on myself and you’ve given me so much to think about. I have a strong suspicion that I was “chasing my tail” a lot and now I’m rethinking my focus.
thanks LP; i’ve appreciated your input
yo man thanks for the example you set for us. May your future be fun and fascinating.
The body sattva is covered in chi’s cloth.
Good one. Took me a few mental steps to get there.
it is my morning coffee, just having it in the evening 🙂
and yeah I guess I am back to trolling the GLP forum 😀