The Liminalist # 56.5: Pied Pipers of Trauma (with Mike B)


Talking with listener Mike B, on Jasun on Red Ice, what’s happening in Europe, the Conspindustry, the rape of Europe, an alternative to conspiracy theory, Lloyd de Mause & how the psyche responds to trauma, Whitley Strieber’s voice, reading Communion, the collective wound, culturally conditioned crucial fictions, individuating as entering into the world by becoming not of the world, that’s embodiment, working in a thrift store, success and ego inflation, the hunger for validation, brain happiness vs. body happiness, the cover of Communion, deceiving the elect, MKULTRA & the weaponized psyche, Jasun’s night visitations, how dreams are shaped by literature, Castaneda & the 2nd attention, opening up to big dreams, bringing objects from the dream realm into waking, the treasure is the psyche, trauma-mutation & super-powers, Bryan Singer & Hollywood sexual abuse, the sympathy of trauma, the Pied Pipers of trauma, Seen & Not Seen, collective dissociation mechanism & culture, dark fairy tales, Disney subliminals, Kubrick’s clues, Catcher in the Rye, using neuroses for teaching, have you ever met an operative? the percentage of operatives in your town, why synchromysticism makes operatives’ work easier, “stinkromysticism” and anal fixations in Hollywood,  the question of who’s an operative, occultism and espionage, inside a single beast.

Strieber’s public response to Jasun.

Songs: “El Mariachi” & “Monkey Said” by The Freak Fandango Orchestra; Fora da Imaginao, by Kirk Peason & BIT; “Swing Gitane” by The Underscore Orkestra.

25 thoughts on “The Liminalist # 56.5: Pied Pipers of Trauma (with Mike B)”

      • No. The not quite intentional “Disney cock” going towards the trumpet-playing deamon ! Maybe I’m seeing things – but it’s fitting given some of the topics you guys chatted about.

  1. Regarding anal fixations in Hollywood; was it the source of the rapid rise and promotion of anal intercourse in mainstream pornography? Ive discussed the issue with several people and we all agree that sometime in the 1990s, anal intercourse began to be “mainstreamed”, normalized, supported, promoted… in heterosexual porn; movies, magazines, books…

    As a student of porn I found it a noticeable and strange phenomenon? Not that theres anything “wrong” with it; but in cultural terms it seemed sudden to me?

    Did anyone else notice this?

    Among the dynamics Im studying and attempting to refine into a unified theory of this event are:

    1. The promotion of all this homosexual?
    2. The increasing need to focus on “power” as the main dynamic of sexual interactions as the sexes become more alike culturally, economically, educationally…?
    3. Increasing levels of anger as compensation for lower levels of sensitivity?

    Im trying to avoid getting Freudian because thats probably already been done by people far more knowledgeable than I; do women even get anything out of the practice?

    Or do they do it because men want them to?

    Sorry if Ive been too graphic; I’ll get my coat.

    • As far as I know, Celtic Rebel has written the most on the “Kabbalah Boyz Klub” – the social, psychological, and metaphysical implications of the so-called anal agenda, conscious and unconscious aspects both.

      Fair warning though, the podcast he does on the subject is a bit .. intense

      Also, thwack – any plans to chat with Jasun for the podcast ? I enjoy your comments.

      • Thanks for the info Justin.

        Ive discussed a podcast with Jasun and he’s fine with it happening when it happens. Ive been in a liminal state for several years now and Im using two conflicting approaches to deal with it. Part of me wants to work to get back to the forward thinking normality and structured life I had in the past. The other part of me says accept the instability of liminality by co-opting it and coordinating it into a new style of life based in the present; a style colloquially known as “fuckit.” Its effective as long as you don’t go crazy with it.

        I’d like to thank Jasun for turning myself and others onto the word “liminal”; its much cooler and more intellectual than “transient”; I often deploy it in conjunction with the word “mercurial” when I get that “whatareyoudoingwhereareyougoing?” look.

        I can’t say “I don’t know” because thats the answer everybody is trying to avoid except some of you guys. In the last 5 years I spent significant amounts of time caring for old people with Dimensia. One of them I knew very well before they were afflicted and the experience has been interesting and relaxing/enjoyable at times.

        These people are kinda “stuck” in the present; time is truncated, so although they are limited in certain interactions, they also don’t/can’t worry because they lack a concept of the future; and therefore spend no time plotting, planning and scheming about how to control and profit from it… (more about that later)

        Ive been slacking on a lot lately; maybe I should lead a putsch against myself and install a “strong man” who will get things done!

        Nawh… I’d probably fukc that up too; and end up on a shining path of broken glass, chicken bones and cigarette butts…

        But I made it through another winter so I guess I gotta do something?

        Trump needs a VP? Maybe I could bring him the liminal vote?

    • The subject of sodomy comes up in my talk with MariC, the week after next, tho not quite on such ground-level terms as you are inquiring about.

  2. A couple of things. The cursory discussion regarding Muslim migrants to Europe and the wave of sexual assaults, was annoying to say the least. I’ve listened to many streamed discussions with people on the ground from Germany, Austria, Belgium, and Sweden and have no doubt at all that these crimes have been and are happening, but are being downplayed and minimized by the MSM. I know that Muslims have been setup to a large degree to play the part of the new Red Hordes, but they’re playing that part rather well too. And I’m surprised that, since you spoke of social engineering, that you didn’t connect the two. There was also a connection to be had in the massive story of Muslim pedaphilia gangs across the UK that have been and still are being criminally minimized and covered up by the authorities and your our investigations into the subject. What went on in Rotherham, the duplicity of the authorities in particular, was astounding.

    The other issue I had with you here, and I’m a long time follower of yours, is this distancing from Henrik of Red Ice radio, as if he’s somehow tainted and yucky now he’s embraced the right. What I’ve always appreciated about you Jasun is that you’re able to retain a certain degree of neutrality and simply analyse and interpret stuff, but here I felt that you’re guilty of not doing so. I’d say you’re guilty of mildly stigmatizing Henrik even. I know Henrik can be quite gullible and often isn’t careful and discerning about his subject matter and who he choses as a guest, but I see a bravery there, especially in an era where there’s a new McCarthyism taking hold. And I’m convinced, because I’ve heard him on live streams, that he has grave concerns for his own country Sweden and for Europe as a whole being irreversibly, culturally and racially supplanted. He’s also as frustrated as I am at the madness of our current progressive, political ideology and wants to try to do something about it and has used his successful podcast platform to do so and probably lost a fair bit of revenue for his efforts.

    • I tried to bring up the “Muslim migrants” thing in an annoying way on purpose. I knew that if I started with it – and tied it to Red Ice (which I subscribe to) in a slightly disparaging way – that it might survive the editing process. The topic doesn’t come up much at this blog, and I was hoping to elicit some general responses from listeners/readers in the comments section. I am curious what other liminalists think.

      Perhaps I could have approached this with more tact, but I did say that crime was increasing in Europe – it’s not like I’m saying it’s a goddamned Hollywood backlot

      Something strange is happening in Europe, no doubt. I saw some things in Barcelona in 2014 that were weird as hell.

    • Huh, My impression is that Jasun was just as critical of the “ufo / ancient alien/ breakaway civilization” second -matrix Henrik as he is critical of the “white” genocide Henrik.

  3. Thanks Page; that is a much more succinct rejoinder than I would have managed!

    I distrusted Henrik’s affiliations back in 2008 & I distrust them much more now.

    I agree the discussion on refugees in Europe was highly cursory. It can be counterproductive to refer to current hot-topics as part of a more general discussion, for this reason. It’s also hard to resist the urge. I think part of me does want to trigger these reactions, within the context of a measured dialogue, since they are being triggered all day long anyway. Maybe a way to let some air out of them?

  4. The bondi hipsters launched a clothing brand called ” Tsodomy “, you can view it n you tube
    When i travelled through germany i noticed a lot of their hotel porn was anal , the start of a big romantic revival ??
    Yeah , if the nmbers we are talking are anything like realistic , intelligence operatives are a subculture set up within the mainstream . Thats weird
    Great guest , interesting guy, free spirit
    Writing down a dream is to me like taking a shit , i can feel some knot release in my body , they may or may not relate to something physical. Sometimes a person in the dream appears that day
    I have noticed an increase in articles purveying canned meanings of dreams lately in MSM ..
    Kut’ ,
    Doing some interesting unravelling at the moment of the difference between an occultist and an esotericist ..will get back to you , Wouter Hanegraaf is the man

    • thanks Kutamun. talking with Jasun was a trip, especially after listening back to it a few weeks later. there was a comment somewhere a month ago about Jasun leaving the reader/listener “nowhere to hide” .. doubly so for the chatter !

        • heh, well to clarify .. listening back I can tell where I dodged questions, where I let the espresso do the talking and where I wasn’t being .. well, myself. not in some nefarious way, but because of nerves and the general novelty of the thing.

          so to listen back to the show left me nowhere to hide from myself,
          but that’s good because that’s why I listen to the podcast !

  5. Perhaps, as was suggested by Dmitry Orlov at Club Orlov, the Paris event is Deep State control…they need to keep Europe in NATO and not have it defect to Russia and China. The US doesn’t mind poisoning the wells once it knows it can’t “win.” Europe, for all its cultural nostalgia and lucrative tourism, is being thrown by the wayside in the games of realpolitik. The refugee “problem” is just one of those games.

    Alright, back to the Prosecco.


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