The Liminalist # 56: Loving the Abomination (with Monc)


Conversation with Monc, from Sweden, on the force of Swedish reserve, being repelled by The Liminalist, enjoying the areas between, electric cigarettes, the chans, the anonymity of the internet, the contrarian spirit, a continuous counter-movement, the parts we deny, a bunch of monkeys throwing shit, the highpoints of 4chan, identifying voices, semantics and identity, the quality of the transmission, a contrarian community, 4chan humor, indifference to credentials, the wisdom of lurking, hazing rituals, entering the chans, when two magnets meet, the flow of 4chan, the dark net, the potential of the Internet, a free exchange, the Qim Tunes, the secret life of autists, facilitated communication, the travesty of modern psychiatry, the assumptions of the plebeians, presuming intelligence, The Reason I Jumped, the reformation of autists, the organic internet, the fake fringe, moving towards Ludditism, connecting to soul transmissions, the trap of the Net, Facebook vs. 4chan, getting past the darkness, the veil of correctness, the mind-wash paradigm, embodying by speaking, unresolved fears, unspeakable questions about transgenderism, the internal conflict of not speaking, the “progressive” Nordic countries, minefields of the mind, a laser perimeter, thought-schooling, the efficacy of humor, raging against the rising wave, the vastness of the situation, what’s wrong with Whitley Strieber, exploiting the trauma, Christianity & the power of the victim, convincing people not to sue for abuse, Stanislav Grof, the imaginary boon of psychism, Daily Divine Digest, what thrift stores are good for.

Songs: “El Mariachi” by The Freak Fandango Orchestra; “Youth Aspirations” by PK Jazz Collective; “Лес” & “Марина” by POVALISHIN DIVISION; “Distant Shore,” by Wooden Ambulance.

18 thoughts on “The Liminalist # 56: Loving the Abomination (with Monc)”

  1. Honestly, this is probably the shittiest podcast I have heard on the limilinist. Just my opinion. Awesome artwork for this episode btw

      • The internet has played a large role in producing/spreading a culture of rude behavior.

        I present two examples:

        The first is what I call “the attack on the free.” If you produce a product using your own time and energy, and make it available for FREE; a person who produces NOTHING of value will come along and vaguely attack, criticize it… without offering any * wait for it…* SUGGESTIONS.

        The 2nd example is people seeking help solving a problem, often technical, who do not use words like “please” or “thank you.” They just expect other people to provide answers to their problems.

        They will even start or end their demand with the word HELP!

        This world never fails to disappoint me.

        (((shakin my head)))

  2. I never heard of 4chan until I came here. It sounds very cool but I think I’ll stay away from it lest it destroy my fantasy that such a place actually exists. After listening to y’alls description of it; such a place unspontaneously erupting makes perfect sense.


    Because even though all blogs and discussion group have noble compensatory beginnings; sooner or later they all degenerate into “plantations.” This was a very difficult lesson for me to accept because I got tricked early on by all the internet puffery and boosterism that said access to millions of people and ease of communication would produce a golden age of information exchange and knowledge expansion resulting in smarter, and eventually wiser people; you know, like an Apple commercial…


    What many people do not realize is the level of filtration that occurs BEFORE you even read whats on a blog or discussion group. For most, the only way you learn of this “hidden hand” is by having one of your comments blocked or deleted; thats how I found out; and it resulted in a question: “if my comment/question got blocked; what other information is being blocked?

    This is how you end up in discussions with people who respond with the “wall of dogma” to any question or observation you make about the purpose, origin or reason for the blog or discussion group. They spend all their time in a giant echo chamber of like minded people each consuming their own feces and jacking each other off…

    Its really amazing to witness your friends turn into a mini Hitlers with there blogs and discussion groups.


    without ever experiencing 4CHAN, I can understand how and why such a site would almost self generate in response to epidemic levels of collectivism rampant on most blogs and discussion groups.

    4CHAN sounds like a valid response to the snarkiness, sarcasm and ignorance that comes from people existing a world where they think they can’t be punched. Im curious about 4CHAN but will resist exploring it so Im not disappointed.

    Instead I’ll spend more time in the punchable world.

  3. Definitely agree with how the modern web has transformed into a straight jacket while places like Chan’s are simultaneously an immune response to this and a throwback to the Pre-Facebook internet era. I also agree with the fact there’s nothing spiritual, or mystical, about telepathy since it’s a natural ability that’s mirrored by technologies like the internet.

  4. Fascinating to see JAsuns fascist alarm bells ringng here , with the nazi artwork and folksey country and western tunes crooning softly in the background . Of course , that is not to suggest that the guest is a fascist , merely that he has perhaps stumbled unwittingly into fascist memes and tropes that of course are part and parcel of the submerged scandinavian viking moral apparatus . The further left rhey collectively lurch the more the fylfot swastikas start whizzing about . Of course fascism is primarily about bundling the myriad little dried sticks together in the form of the fasces . The individual submerged in the collective ID . Both 4chan with its professed lack of identity and facebook with its constructed generic personae are two sides of this same coin . The externalisation of the machinery of the mind ala the internet in one great ejaculatory oedipal nuremberg release. Of course the specter of the patriarch looms large over Msr Horsleys blog, and fascism in general . I notice that the “channers ” all have a numerical sequence assigned to them , so it would be fairly easy to form a profile on each poster and as you say ” make stuff stick to their soul ” .
    Is Whitley good bad or evil ? Is trauma ingherently evil ? Whitley is an alienated alien lover . Traumatised people have an inner world governed largely by double bind logical fallacies , often implanted there by other chimps . Gregory Bateson in ” mind and nature ” points out that the schizophrenic has an inner world entirely made up of logical double binds , so they wind up sitting in the corner of a padded room in a white jacket , drooling and mumbling incoherently , or heading up a large multi national corporation .!

    • Of course nothing is random but the Nazi insignia along with the furries was there in one of the images I chose to use, with the welcome to 4chan banner, i.e., is an example of 4chan humor designed to offend. I did worry last thing at night when it was already scheduled to go up, oh what will Monc think about having swastikas arranged behind him?

      Live by the chan, die by the chan.

      • Based on my experiences, facism doesnt exist because it is really just a greater form of socialism. When it comes to socialism you have two choices; national or international.

        They are both forms of collectivism with the only real difference being national socialism seeks control of your genetalia.

        But dont be fooled, the left can be very intolerant.

      • “an example of 4chan humor designed to offend.”

        And much, much more mild than actual 4chan ‘humore’, which is more likely to be a vat of dismembered, bloody body parts and viscera with some ‘cheeky’ label. 4chan’s a lot grosser than has been portrayed here – but i’ve actually spent time there.

  5. Assumng the internet is being managed , i suppose the managers like to keep little cauldrons of human sentiment brewing for future use . “by JOve old chap , do you think its time we woke up the fascists ?? , theyhave been sleeping dor quite a while but i think they might be just the ticket for dealing with this Putin fellow and our impending resource depletion ”
    – ” what a sterling idea old chap ”
    – “quite , i have them bubblng away in 4 chan and facebook , let me see if i can whip them up there and get them to cascade through the memeplex of the wider community , thats it ! Lets make it cool for all the youth to go by a number not a name !”
    ” bugger me your an absolute genius old chap !”
    “Yes, indeed “

  6. “But we need to be careful , old chap , the trouble with fascism is that once the genie is out of the bottle , it turns into a bloody big slavering rottweiler that is jolly hard to put back in !”
    ” indeed ”
    “Yes , it took us five years to subdue the nazi army , they had a kill ratio of five to one amd we just about had to kill every last one of th buggers as well as aerially dlatten all their cities and they still didnt want to give up , it was like they were possessed by a bloody demon !”
    “Yes , and the survivors we marched off into siberia for ten years , only allowing them back as old sick broken men , and still the spirit survives n places like america , north and south , australia and south africa , i tell you old boy we need to be careful !
    That seemingly harmless thing down there in 4 chan may not be harmless at all ”
    “God save rhe queen , geoffrey , and bugger the russians!”

  7. it took us five years to subdue the nazi army , they had a kill ratio of five to one amd we just about had to kill every last one of th buggers as well as aerially dlatten all their cities and they still didnt want to give up , it was like they were possessed by a bloody demon !” — Kutamun

    Indeed, that is what we are all taught in school. That the Germans just went crazy and there was no rational explanation for Hitler and the Nazis…

    Thats what we were all taught.

    (((shakin my head)))

    As I mentioned before, the conflict was never Socialism VS Facism; the argument was which type of Socialism the respective populations chose; national or international.

    National Socialism was a valid, rational RESPONSE to International Socialism; sometimes it takes crazy to fight crazy.

  8. Wow Thwack i like that mate , hannah arendt did make the distinction between italian fascism and german national socialism in her book “the origins of totalitarianism ” . She more or less stated that that national socialism was a very close cousin to bolshevism , but you have put it perhaps more succinctly than anyone i have seen . Any good reading you recommend ?
    Monc did mention , ” the sense of community ” in 4 chan with the individual more or less submerged beneath the collective . Do you think it is a hidey hole of semi dormant national socialism or am i just barking mad ?

  9. less submerged beneath the collective . Do you think it is a hidey hole of semi dormant national socialism or am i just barking mad ? — Kutamun
    That depends; do they seek control of your genetalia?
    To me thats the concrete difference between the two. i dont have a direct author to reference because its a mash up between Ayn Rand and Julius Evola.
    In the end some group will always be gunning for the individual.
    *be advised*


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