The Liminalist # 34.5: Forbidden Domains (with Random Dude)


Second part of conversation with Random Dude, on schools for the gifted, progressive schooling and natural education, the internet and audience cults, free-form psychic experimentation, harnessing the psyche, child sexuality, York University, counterculture-as-psyop, reservation schools, MKULTRA expendables, Kevin Annett, pending transhumanist atrocities, thought-policing, a cultural cut-off from memory, CIA & Moscow show trials, Orwell, Gene Sharp and soft persuasion, the removal of context, the psyche-soma wars, how technology creates its own agenda, Heidegger’s standing reserve, the hacker response, the social credit system in China, Stephen Kent on SRA, how Christians wind up as satanists, fighting witchcraft with witchcraft, rule-breaking systems, normalizing taboos and creating new ones, the myth of the old seers, control via emotions, emotional venting posing as argumentation, sentient fragments, occultism and psychology, tuning forks in infinity, the psychic as scapegoat, the example of LSD, cultural funneling, the allure of taboo, tobacco as taboo, psychism and technology, what gives hope and what reduces hope, what is happening with this podcast, the validation of participation, genuine humility, hanging out by the water cooler, the fundamental hope for embodiment.

Songs: “El Mariachi” & “Monkey Said,” by The Freak Fandango Orchestra; “This Is Far From A Belle Epoque,” by A Faulty Chromosome.

13 thoughts on “The Liminalist # 34.5: Forbidden Domains (with Random Dude)”

  1. Apology accepted. You are welcome. Glad to help support and encourage you with my $$$.

    10 bucks a month for two podcasts a week (usually) is worth it to me. Plus, you provide a valuable platform with the kubrickon forum where I can do my creativity (and have a small — mostly silent– audience too). Hard to say if much activity, besides myself, will ever pick up over there. Time will tell.

    • Aye, you did mention the “patreons” before … in one of your previous ‘casts. I suppose that I got confused when you thanked the “paypal” donators at the end of the podcast and didn’t hear my name. Money comes out of my paypal each month in your direction via the Patreon website.

  2. Yeah listening to the ebb and flow of your conversation with the emotionally intelligent random dude , i think he hit the nail on the head when he pointed out you’d fallen into the classic trap of projecting your anima onto a human woman who then failed to measure up . I think you found a kindred spirit in Ann who’d done the same with Leonard Cohen . Back then you sabotaged yourself in some way by abandoning your wealth , and i wonder if the pattern is repeating with this blog ?
    There have been various attempts to symbolise the sub personalities you mention into structured forms such as the decans of the zodiac and small suits of the tarot , which in my experience are linked to the cycles and features of the seasons , a very safe way of handling them . I think the self such as it exists for me is represent d by how closely i can move myself into harmony and relationship with the archetypal pattern of the earth , the resultant being the overall trajectory of ones life .
    Reading Frances Yates Ars Memoriae it struck me that the old human habit of thinking in images is basically autism , and the practioner of magic ( images , imagnation ) is gradually adopting autism to to the best of their ability . My lady partner thinks in images far more powerfully than i , as i suspect do many women. So it seems there is a worldwide reawakening in the margins of the species of an old and somewhat feminine mode of mentation , angel , god , impetus , tendency , one that terrifies the status quo . A precursor to John Michael Greers ” phoenix age ” ?
    Cheers mate

    • I’m not familiar with the phoenix age… I agree about random dude’s emotional intelligence, tho the point about projecting the anima was hardly a new one!

      I don’t see any signs of that repeating, I think I am largely cured of that pattern; as I tweeted recently, LC was wrong that there’s no cure for love. There is, and it’s called marriage! (If by love we mean romantic obsession aka anima projection)

      something is certainly going on now with male & female energy (with me & the podcast I mean).

      keep watching/listening, there will be surprises.

  3. I also agree with ” The Dude ” ( have you seen ” the big lebowsky “?) that it is a feature of quantum physics and someone like Leonard constantly evoking the feminine that such one sided action will automatically evoke the opposite . I wonder if your rejection of the feminine rendered you susceptible to autistically thinking in images , making you very attractive to women ?
    If women do think in images moreso than men it may be in large part due to cultural conditioning .
    Caveat , you might simply be holding up a mirror enabling me to notice various aspects of myself in the experiences of your good self which you are kindly sharing . After all , you , me , Jung , magic , autism , this blog are all merely probabilities at best !

    • did i reject the feminine? i mean in which context, ie, when did I express that, if I did? I’m not saying it’s not so, just that it’s such a large statement & could refer to so many different things. (If you’ve read SEEN & NOT SEEN then there’s a case to be made that I wounded my own anima/inner feminine)

      i actually DON’T think in images, hardly at all, maybe part of the communication gulf between Grandin & myself…

  4. Yeh gotta run , of course most men born in the anglo saxon empire have rejected the feminine at some stage or other . Of course this is not a binary or label i am trying to stick on you . I ‘ m sure you have accepted her as well , many times . When speaking of your hurt and turmoil you emphatically stated that ” the self is definitely not a woman !!” , which may or may not be the case , but you sounded quite strident . Of course i am no stranger to this .
    For mine , psyche is energy , and our energy derives from the planet itself , which is often depicted as female . The zodiac relates to the seasonal cycles of the planet as well as the stars . Our bodies are made of planet – stuff .
    Planets may be conscious , and stars too , and perhaps we are about as relevant to these entities as ” the fleas in beethovens wig ” , unquote

    • I know i get accused of hair-splitting but that’s partly coz I am forever being mis-quoted. “the self is definitely not a woman” does not sound like what I said to me (I don’t talk about the self in the jungian sense much); but you’re also putting it in a different context, hence “may or may not be the case,” when there’s no may or may not about it for me as a man, unless you are speaking archetypally, poetically, etc.

      i quite like the word strident. makes me picture Neptune striding across the ocean (speaking in images).

      ironically I am extra-committed to this view, that one can’t find one’s soul by immersing oneself in a woman, becoz i learned it via a woman (or the woman, being the wife who cured me of love)! so my stridence (which apparently is not a word) comes with an ironic twist.

  5. Will check out the book .
    Example of ” thinking in pictures “. I say to the Mrs ” i spoke to victoria she just got back from hols ” . She replies ” did she go with Gill ?” , she looks thoughtful and i say , what are you seeing ? She laughed guiltily and replied ” i am seeing them having breakfast in a little piazza “, hence her desire for more details , she was busy constructing a little movie . She is always at me for more details in my monologue reports !

  6. The novelist, Thomas Pynchon, another MKULTRA expendable? Just saw this 2001 documentary Journey into the Mind of P because I have a mild interest in Pynchon having read and enjoyed _The Crying of Lot 49_ a few years ago; but the documentary veers into MKULTRA territory for a bit, implicating Pynchon, but veers back to its main focus on Pynchon’s penchant for being reclusive. Some of his fans in the film reminded me of Kubrick’s in the film Room 237 in their obsession with their subject.

    This was surprising in that I wasn’t expecting to run into MKULTRA yet again! Jasun, your podcasts are sensitizing my peripheral vision for conspiracy. I’d just as soon walk away from it all conveniently forgetting that the ground I walk is a labyrinth.


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