The Liminalist # 60: Plunger of Light (with Venetia Campbell)


Conversation with Venetia Campbell, on foregoing introductions, the Liminal Language Lab, Jasun & Venetia’s alternate perspectives, the difference between God & government, the ceiling of psyops, obvious operations, Egyptian language as embodiment, the decline of Egyptian knowledge, letting go of the need for symbols, observing Easter (or not), the difference between receiving and generating spiritual experiences, fanning the flame of the whisper, a headful of knowledge, an inter-dimensional hole, experiencing migrant situation in Europe, how media distorts the reality of life happening, a media circus, global polarity, liminality in Europe, the plunger of light, all things must pass, losing the middle way, belief in the young, passing the generational baton, foul thoughts of political incorrectness, being of a passing generation, the reality of growing older, in the Calais jungle,  KKK & Occupy Wall Street as complementary ideologies, how the gods made Donald Trump, monsters from the id, the violence of fixed ideologies, the laws of duality, responding from awareness, social engineering a non-dual world, literalizing a positive impulse, a transformative glance, a writer’s challenge, a gentling of awareness, a flame that won’t be extinguished, where the mind has no answer, death & the eternal, losing the mind, nothing to talk about, language, identity, & survival, the mind as infiltrant, ancestral lineages ascending, ancestral fragment addictions, the mind-body struggle, addicted to thought patterns, feeding the scripts, loving the patterns back home, the spiritual battleground, honoring the wound, individuating and integrating the ancestors, ancestral and karmic influences, soul fragmentation and incarnation, meeting our fragments, MK-ULTRA and directed trauma, Barry Long’s mythology, skepticism and gullibility, Christ-talk, seeing through the human condition, the rotten core, cracking the shell.

Venetia’s website.

Songs: “El Mariachi” & “Monkey Said” by The Freak Fandango Orchestra; “Junkpile” by Holly Golighty & the Brokeoffs; “Born to Follow” by Art of Flying

13 thoughts on “The Liminalist # 60: Plunger of Light (with Venetia Campbell)”

  1. Absolutely i agree that shards of the psyche can manifest as people and situations in ones orbit , and the thing that does my head in sometimes that you are filling a role for that person also .
    The Gods themselves as archetypal shards ? .. Yeah i would say thats also plausible
    If you look at the wheel of the year there are the 1x3x7x12x36 x72 . Entire systems have been devised where archetypal shards have been progressively evoked , replete with astronomical and seasonal mythology and imagery to give added dramatic psychological effect . The predecessor of our psychoanalysis i suppose .

    • So what would “THE TRUMP CARD” archetypal- god- shard represent for us all as individuals I wonder?!…especially in relation to ” astronomical and seasonal mythology”….?

  2. fun guest .. “loving the refugees back home” ..
    anyway, a truly terrifying take on current events, refugees R us

    • ….oooh we had better watch out with that line, before we know it Bob Geldof et al will be bringing out the Pop troops for a “loving the refugees back home” cia sponsored music industry extravaganza with special guest super- woman Caitlin Jenner as presenter…THEN, oh yes, THEN, your comment , Neil, “a truly terrifying take on current events” will most certainly unfold!!!
      (I jest, I enjoy a serious jest, I can’t help it, and I am sorry you don’t all have more of a chance to experience Jasun’s natural hilarious jester/heyoka/comedian side on his site…….!)

      • I felt a strong connection to this interview because I’ve just returned from the next island up the Turkish coast, Limnos — where there are fewer refugees at the moment, however they’re planning to dedicate a whole village at the northern end of the island to housing a few thousand of them, and understandably the locals are nervous. I completely understand what you meant about the ‘dark agendas’ and that “hole in the ozone layer overhead’ which many Greeks feel as they see their country being invaded by strangers they can’t afford to take care of. As in “the gun debate” our western-led wars never seem to get their rightful share of the blame for the ongoing crisis, which is being manipulated for profit by the usual gang, and also as a means to destabilize and weaken Europe. It’s impossible not to be on both sides of the debate over immigration (and unlike Donald Trump) even Marine LePen makes sense at times in her desire to defend core values. But it’s hard

        Back in December I met a pair of women from the UK in Athens airport back in December — they too were headed for Lesvos to help in the same ways you mention. Bravo to you for going and being there.

        It’s awful at times watching what is happening to the Greek people who have a long tradition of starvation (and survival). There are great lessons to be learned from both their generosity and their cynicism in this ongoing assault on their culture. Many feel they are being erased — and I also strongly resonated with your story of walking around the Acropolis, one of the most deeply ‘positive’ sites this planet has to offer.

        Loved this interview and thank you both!

  3. Hi VeeCee , I think carrying out a demanding cyclical yoga such as this would have the effect of aligning the individual with a creative pattern that is greater than oneself . I think highly individuated people could weave their own healthy pattern and live it . Perhaps this system is somewhat archaic ?? From a time when people were closer to nature and their own dreams and unconscious . Twelve step programs follow this type of zodiacal pattern , its all about giving the poor lost babes some structure , something to guide them that links to the earth and the stars , so not tainted by other chimps so much , though the myths undoubtedly are.
    Its one thing of many things , but nothing

    Engines half forward , close the hatches
    Sound the klaxon
    Prepare to flood
    Make your depth 170 feet
    Trim the boat

  4. What I found most interesting about this chat, was Venitia’s awareness in Greece of the fallen nature of man, even the bleeding hearts. I had the same thing happen in the 70s, also in Greece. Back then I was as a hippy naif, I watched as the peace and love espousing freaks failed to make baby steps let alone walk the walk, so busy were they fornicating, thieving and showing no respect for local mores.

    The penny dropped, so to speak, that regardless of ideology, people are driven primarily by self-interest, even when they’re saving the whale or ‘Syrian refugees’ (a boat load today were Bangladeshis apparently), in the end it’s all about how it serves them. Now that’s not to say that we shouldn’t be altruistic, just that we’re aware that the left hand always knows what the right hand is doing–biblical references are coming thick and fast as I type. I’m also reminded of St Paul’s dilemma (Romans 7:14).

    Recently while watching a documentary, also about the refugees in Lesbos, an English expat living on the Island lambasted the Greeks for not embracing this influx of diversity with the same zeal as he was (he had opened his house to them). His virtue signalling was rather repulsive in this context. He seemed so inflated by his own saintliness that he was unable to reason that perhaps the Greeks were fearful for their own livelihoods and future and didn’t have the pension plan he had to get them through.

  5. Big laughs for “hot on the block”; “plunger of light” is a great alternate title, though.

    Loving it back home is kind of an answer (uh oh! I said it). I’ll be returning to Nepal in less than a month to do relief work, so this episode felt preparatory in a way. I have to go help clean up the mess I made over there. And I have a similar skepticism of aid organizations and am going not without reservations about putting on the branded t-shirt of sanctioned compassion. But Venetia, you transmitted something valuable to me, something to look for, in relating your experience with the Syrian woman. Everything is a window.

    Sometimes, these conversations can feel more like a constructive internal dialogue, as they so often seem work through the thoughts in my own head. It’s a contagious enlightening(ment). Nice chatting, again.


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