The Liminalist # 87.5: The Ocean & the Organism (with Jeff Gentry)


Part two of talk with Jeff Gentry, on psychic experiences & water immersion, surfing as a spiritual practice, dream-surfing, the ocean as a womb, forced relaxation, enjoying being underwater, the liminal space between control and surrender, studying the ocean, the ocean as a mirror for the unconscious, yoga & energy cleaning, tell it to the river, the ocean as teacher, first-time surfing, the armor of the shtick, identity & learning new skills, enlightenment vs. siddhis, the overratedness of flight, striving for mediocrity, the social dead-end of surfing, the self-rejecting mind, charisma & trauma, Hollywood MKULTRA, self-protective strategies in childhood, an Industry born from trauma, differing front-alters, a state of defeat-acceptance, the ocean & the organism, turning down the negative voice, thinking less about oneself, where d negative thoughts come from, parental imprinting and verbal or physical abuse, the voice of silent scorn, childhood memory and internal dialogue as a marker, an identity under construction, body memory, forgetting as a survival strategy, brain vs. body memory, the experience of affect, how the mind develops, language as a dissociation tool, an affect-free identity, ego as false memory syndrome, the best portion of ourselves, the dreaming self.

Songs:  “The Kommema and his Religion” and “Of the Lakes, by SunWalker; “Easy,” by The Arrogants; “Are You Trying to Get Away” by Hazelwood Motel.

1 thought on “The Liminalist # 87.5: The Ocean & the Organism (with Jeff Gentry)”

  1. You guys reminded me of an old song by The Little River Band , “cool change ” …
    The albatross and the whale they are my brothers…
    The sea water is also commonly associated with blood , and historically there was much speculation about their composition in relation to our former incarnations as sea creatures . The blood is also sodium chloride but also full of Iron , not a warrior by any chance are you mate ?
    There are many more possibilities to this than simply trying to get back inside mummy , which is what virtually the entirety of western consumer society is attempting to do.
    I suspect you might be in the process of pursuing quite the reverse !


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