The Liminalist # 87: A Bodyguard of Lies (with Jeff Gentry)


The Liminalist is back for a two-part conversation with former listener, now-participant, Jeff Gentry, on how the podcast stalled, when listeners become speakers, The Lucid View, paranoid awareness, opening up to new possibilities, a shifting perspective from Lucid View to Prisoner of Infinity, how margins become mainstream, Alex Jones & Donald Trump, Alternate Perception Community researchers, selling narratives, avoiding mental masturbation, food for the soul, ancient Megaliths, infotainment, information as a launch-pad for the imagination vs. information as the means for grounding in reality, forms of embodiment, facts vs. context, listening for the angle, getting entangled with Whitley Strieber, creating a shtick, a fortress of solitude as apparatus for public relations, Obama & Marc Maron, a bodyguard of lies, finding the meaty in the mundane, Peter Levenda’s mentalism, “Thinking Allowed” podcast, deconstructing alternate narratives & a dearth of invites, avoiding messaging, David Icke’s energy levels and entity back-up.

Songs:  “The Kommema and his Religion” by SunWalker; “Wake Up Drive Through” by The UpsideDown; “Who’s Cryin’ Over Who,” by The Temporary Thing; “Slippershell,” by Kristin Hersh.

9 thoughts on “The Liminalist # 87: A Bodyguard of Lies (with Jeff Gentry)”

  1. I say that semio-inflation is when you need more signs, words, and information to buy less meaning. ~Franco Berardi

    Hope you can keep it going, Jasun.

  2. We are our voices. Well, we try, or, is it is vice-versa? Whatever, another podcast preface not ascending or descending in this case but rolling like the incoming tide sideways to a steadfast shore. This is unique radio transmission broadcasting psychic health. Jeff’s humility and Jasun’s patient progress combining together to redeem the ordinary and ensure a sense of the potentially spectacular. A master class in restraint out of which if not mystery then reason grows. We are all both Jeff and Jasun and they are us…mysticism by default. Uncovered skillfully is the art of ongoing psychic audio photography; the images of self and its reflection polarized and processed through instant recall just as we are about to decipher the secrets of sound. No escape. Lost again. Captives of one, in an audience of ricocheting attention formulating answers to the imagined in space but not necessarily time. More please.

  3. I think a conversation between you and Greg of The Higherside Chats would be really fun, maybe awkward, but certainly interesting. I listened to an interview he did with skeptiko recently and he seems pretty down-to-earth, though maybe that’s just his shtick. You should invite him onto The Liminalist or ask to be interviewed by him. You know how great TV shows have the occasional anomalous episode designed to introduce a little anarchy into its narrative? They’re usually just for fun, but they can be really be insightful.

    Give it some serious thought. Hell, just do it for the lulz.

    • More than tired, deeply skeptical of it, see my exchange with Levenda.

      Discussing occultism and leaving out ritual abuse is like selling cigarettes without a health warning.

      I also have personal reasons.


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